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winter season full of activities

Fat bike riders enjoying cold hard snow on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail section east of Stampede Pass Rd on their way to Easton Reload Sno-Park. This section of trail is open to cycling.

Hasn't it been wonderful winter weather? Great conditions and plenty of play to be found.

Holidays are over and now we can move on to our regular season events of which there are many.

Event calendar is updated and found HERE

All clubs put a lot of energy out organizing these events. Please find one and go have fun! Last year I attended Treats on the Trail sponsored by Snoqualmie Nordic. Luckily you have to ski out to get the treats. If competition is what feeds your spirit, look up the annual monthly races out at Cabin Creek sponsored by Kongsbergers Ski Club or the Jente Loppet sponsored by Snoqualmie Nordic. Meany Lodge has something going every weekend. Trek and Lunch - ski or snowshoe up to the Lodge and have lunch, plus lessons and their end of season Winter Carnival (need to find out the date for that - I will update when I find it)

Grooming - there are ALWAYS questions on grooming. A summary:

Lake Easton State Park folks groom on MWFSS Lake Easton State Park, and John Wayne Pioneer Trail (Crystal Springs to Hyak). Snowmobile program funds grooming on the JWPT on Mondays all the way to Easton Reload Sno-Park.

Dog Sled trails groomed on Friday.

Cabin Creek is groomed WTFSS - lower trails and The Road, Amabilis on W and 1 weekend day depending on conditions. South Loop once a week depending on conditions.

Erling Stordahl - WSS

Salmon La Sac on Friday and Monday

Schedule is found HERE


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