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Elk Heights Sno-Park

Pass needed: Seasonal Sno-Park permit or a day pass. 

*South of Cle Elum. I-90 Exit 93 to Elk Heights Road south for 1 mile
  Elevation: 2,350 feet
*30 spaces


*snowmobiling, minimal grooming on occassion for non-motorized - about 2.1 mi. on Horseshoe Canyon Road which is closed to snowmobiles.


*Sno-Park managed by USFS, Cle Elum Ranger District

*For local conditions: (509) 852-1100

Elk Heights is a snowmobile funded Sno-Park, but they were gracious in letting a small area be set aside for non-motorized use.  Goal for grooming and use in this area was a quick access for kids after school from the Ellensburg area to go learn to ski.

for snowmobile map of the area see:


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