snow snow snow! and more snow! about 3' of new snow!
Blog update Thurs. 20th: Jente Loppet course will be groomed on Saturday!
Now that you all are heading up to play in the snow this weekend, do not forget your Sno-Park permit! Those parking lots wouldn't be plowed if no one purchased their permit! Nor would there be any of that coveted grooming. The budget next year is determined by sales this season.
It snowed enough that we finally have a base at all of the Sno-Parks and they are all in full operation - or should I say the grooming schedule is on track. That means Lake Easton State Park is BACK!! That gem was groomed today for the first time in quite awhile (it was closed most of last season). Erling Stordahl should have most of the obstacles covered finally.
Salmon La Sac has had so much snow, that USFS is looking into how they are going to get that groomed on Friday. Typically it is groomed with a snowmobile towing an attachment that packs and smooths. When it snows so much all at once, it is hard to get the snowmobile through. They'll figure out something.
If you are headed up before the weekend, be prepared for less than perfect plowing since it just plain takes a long time to get those large lots plowed! Especially Crystal Springs. Cabin Creek doesn't have much room to put all that snow and the contractors often have to dump the snow into a dump truck and haul it down to the lower lot. Gold Creek is about 2 miles long. Plus, it snowed 2 - 3' and that is a LOT of snow.
The John Wayne Pioneer Trail has a section that tends to slough snow from above. You know - that part - where it is marked with the red avalanche area signs? And sometimes there is a hill on the trail? Well, Josh did not groom today due to conditions, so he will be out there tomorrow - Thursday.
Ok, 'nuff of that news. Onto events:
The only event on the calendar is the Snoqualmie Nordic clubs "Treats on the Trail" out of Hyak.
New Flash: Jente Loppet course will be groomed on Saturday!
Next week is nothing!!!! Time to try "Trek and Lunch" up to Meany Lodge.
Those of us who look forward to the Hog Loppet each year were quite disappointed when it was cancelled due to too much snow!! (avalanche danger for trail prep this week). Sheesh.
For last minute updates I will post on the Facebook page.