A little late with the news post, but here we go:
I hope everyone got to enjoy all the new snow that finally arrived. Stevens Pass reports it is their 2nd snowiest February ever. So now that we finally have a normal base, there are no special events this weekend! Take the time to go explore a new area, or participate in Trek and Lunch up at/to Meany Lodge.
Take the family to Cabin Creek's South Loop for casual quiet ski / snowshoe or snowplay and views of the Yakima River.
Ski the Jente Loppet course out of Hyak. What is the Jente Loppet trail, you ask? Well, it is this lovely approx. 1.5 km addition to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail at the Hyak Sno-Park that spurs off the main trail (about 1 km from the trailhead) to the north (at the USFS parking lot/out-houses), and heads down to Lake Keechelus and then back up to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail. See map available for download here.
SalmonLa Sac - the USFS snowmobile groomer is on the fritz. The ole' machine is in the shop. They are trying to come up with an alternative soon. In the meantime, it was last groomed on last Saturday and it snowed on Sunday.
Blewett Pass has piles of snow. And if you want to venture over to Lake Wenatchee State Park, they are in full operation with 3' of snow on the ground. Your Sno-Park pass is good for this location. I just heard a report of a moose siting at Fish lake Sno-Park!
Line up for next week:
Saturday March 8th:
- Ski for Light at Erling Stordahl
- Meany Lodge Spring Carnival
- Jente Loppet course groomed
Sunday March 9th:
-Snoqualmie Loppet : https://www.facebook.com/events/639531712774057\
-Cabin Creek race - Ozbaldy
-Meany Lodge Spring Carnival
-Dog Days of Winter at Crystal Springs
links for events are on this website.
One unique event notice - a little on the different side, but may appeal to many of you - MOHAI is having a one day event featuring outdoor equipment evolution. Thursday March 6th, 10 AM - 8 PM. http://depts.washington.edu/uwmuse/about/GearOutSeattle. This looks to be an interesting and fun event which is free.
The Summit at Snoqualmie Nordic Center has discounts for groups. contact:
Kathy Furtado, Day Group Coordinator,
The Summit at Snoqualmie
425.434.6779 voice 425.434.6787 fax
To get to the great Nordic trails up-top, you can ski up via Hyak’s Cold Creek Road, or check out the new Silver Fir lodge and then take the Silver Fir lift up. Your trail pass allows 2 free lift rides for Nordic skiers.
Central Cascades Winter Recreation Council next meeting is Tuesday March 4th, Mercer Island Library, 6:30 PM
Have a great weekend!