This will be short. Picture below is of a small tree, just one of probably hundreds coming down right now. I posted a bigger problem tree on the Facebook site.

So, in short, it is not a good idea to be out on the trails right now. I had 6 reports come in and all say many many trees are down.
No grooming for Christmas Day, anywhere in the corridor that is a Sno-Park.
Saturday - do not expect well groomed trails. Hyak sled hill is scheduled to open at NOON.
Hyak and Gold Creek are plowed by WSDOT and they have their other priorities right now. They will get to it when they can. Gold Creek may be one lane wide.
Lake Easton State Park is plowed and will be groomed tonight (their groomer part came in and they should be fine). Report is that is is most excellent out there in spite of having to clear out at least 8 trees this afternoon. They have about 3' of snow.
Salmon La Sac campground will not be groomed for skiing until midweek next week at the earliest. Road to Sno-Park is plowed and narrow.
Dog sled trails may be packed next week after Christmas. Between trees down and various equipment issues, the Mountaineers have their volunteers completely maxed out.
John Wayne Pioneer Trail will be packed tomorrow, but there is a LOT of soft snow to plow through. Probably no track set or good skate platform
Erling Stordahl is still suffering from the monsoon (wet road melting snow) and trees down. But it has had some attempt to get a good trail set.
Crystal Springs - who knows. that is one giant lot, with a lot of snow in it, and power guys needing to park to go various power issues.
Cabin Creek - check the KSC webpage or the link on this site.
Expect massive crowds on Sunday.
Sounds like high pressure is on tap for next week. Catch up time.
I STILL have not compiled the event calendar, but hopefully soon.