Well, it was quite a weekend of cold and snow and deep powder. This snow has very low water content, resulting in significant compressibility. Think vacuum sealing a loaf of bread. So grooming out of Lake Easton State Park and Easton Reload will not be the 10 - 18" of depth that it was before big machines pack it down to half that.
It is still early season, so expect to see debris in the snow in places. Looks great out at Cabin Creek where some of you have posted pictures on the Facebook page. Thanks for the great photos and trip reports!
Erling Stordahl Beginner Loop and Forest Loop had some attention, but use caution out there.
Easton Reload (out of Easton) - is a snowmobile Sno-Park, but Lake Easton State Park took over the grooming of the John Wayne Pioneer Trail from Easton Reload to the Stampede Pass this season. They expect to start grooming that section next Monday. Don't forget this section is multi use - open to snowmobiles. Their program pays for this section of trail grooming.
The JWPT from Stampede Pass to Hyak is groomed on schedule now. Track is set.
Today the groomer was out track packing the Sled Dog trail system and plans to groom tomorrow. That is another area of rough base trail, so expect debris here and there.
Beats me what is going on at Lake Easton State Park requiring the closure, but it will open on Saturday and they are grooming.
Due to the nature of the Hyak sled hill and its popularity, they need to have more snow in order to maintain safe conditions, so the hill is "off limits" but, the Sno-park is still open.
Lastly, Salmon La Sac. I forgot to ask. They have their new snowmobile all set up and ready to go, but it needed "break in hours" before it is put to work, so maybe they have completed that fun task and just maybe something will be groomed tomorrow.
So that is the scoop for now. If you have touring skis, it is a really good time to use those to ski through all that nice rare fluffy snow making your own tracks. Some great touring areas are off Blewett Pass.
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