Lots of weather this week with snow totals of about 20 - 22" at Crystal and Cabin Creek to 7" or so at Lake Easton State Park. Then it rained a bit. But, you know what? That's why we have our beloved grooming. This photo was on the Iron Horse, but I just happened to be there as the groomer went by. Typically we don't want skiers on the grooming until it has had time to set up - .5 hr to an hour or two. Last Saturday, it was silk after about a half hour. LandTek grooms Cabin Creek and Erling Stordahl at all hours of the night depending on temperature. The Iron Horse is morning and mid-day due to Hyak sled hill needs and logistics. Lake Easton often has time to set up due to fewer people on the trails and can be fast.
The groomer operators often spend a fair bit of time going over the trails at really slow speeds. During some conditions such as last week, they may make 2-4 or even more passes to get the snow packed. Artistry in grooming.
Erling Stordahl finally had the big cat on the trails and while still a bit low snow for a perfect base, it is finally has track set that doesn't go over logs and such. Well, he never sets tracks on logs, but meaning less chance of tracks hitting dirt and sticks.
Dog sled trails also saw packing and buffing by the big cat. Nice.
Hyak had some power and water issues the last few days. Remember if the John Wayne Pioneer Trail (Iron Horse) is plowed, that means the power folks are out somewhere fixing something. It happens about once a year. I think the power came back pretty quickly, but the water closed down the Summit at Snoqualmie operations today and apparently water is back, but on a boil order. One skier reported great conditions at Hyak today. Hyak Sno-Park should remain open, I have not heard otherwise.
Continuing on Hyak - NO JENTE LOPPET RACE THIS YEAR. The organizers of this race are taking a hiatus and hope to resume next season. Putting on races takes a LOT of planning (think permits and money) and tending to numerous logistics. If you are interested in helping out, just contact the club and give it a go for next year.
Snow level should remain low for a few more days. Maybe also make sure to pack your own water, just in case.
Saturday Jan. 27th Crystal Springs: Meany Lodge Trek Lunch
do some advance planning - busy in the corridor in a week:
Saturday Feb. 3rd Crystal Springs: Meany Lodge Trek and Lunch
Saturday Feb. 3rd Hyak: Special Olympics
Sunday Feb. 4th:
Cabin Creek: Kongsberger Ski Club race - Stampede 15k and 5k and KSC kids races
This weekend your Winter Recreation Advisory Committee is meeting in Spokane. They will tour Mt Spokane tomorrow, Friday, and then Saturday is program review. The winter meetings are usually pretty casual and are informative.
PS - we have the Twitter report all set for Salmon La Sac, now it is just a matter of the groomer operator sending in the reports. Nothing new today, but maybe tomorrow.....
find it here: click on the twitter link.