Will it rain, freezing rain or snow? I will plan on snow. When you come up please be prepared and have dry clothes for the end of your ski.
Photo is of Connie's Team last Tuesday. She had no idea where she went! Just kidding, sort of. Connie runs dogs all over up there and goes prepared, she reported a 30 mile day.
I had planned on writing up a news blurb about the grant we applied for this fall but it will have to wait as I just plain ran out of hours this week.
Erling Stordahl hosts Ski for Light this Saturday. Erling is a trail system that does not have a buffed out base as does the P2C* or Cabin Creek. As a result, it needs more snow to groom to the standards we enjoy. One of the reasons we wrote the grant was so we can do trail work. Like move dirt, repair the Troll Bridge and generally get them up to snuff. Ski For Light needs tracks and they are set side by side, but when the snow level is so low, the groomer operator may not be able to set track in all spots depending on where the trail is. It can rip up expensive equipment.
So if you want to ski Erling, just be flexible in your plans. There are options to hop out onto the P2C and head towards the sled dog trails where you can watch the Crystal Dog Challenge if you are there in the morning.
The Crystal Dog Challenge is a 2 day sled dog race and it is a small race, based out of the back parking lot at Crystal. The start time is 9 - 9:30 AM for the 4-8 dog teams and then the 1-3 dog teams go out when the big teams get back. Hard to say, but a rough guess is around 11 AM. It is fun to watch, hang out and talk to mushers. All dogs must be on a leash. If you are a novice skijorer, maybe this is not the weekend to take your dog out. Action is on the Crystal Dog Trail, sled dog trail system and the P2C heading east, and also Meadow Creek and Stampede Pass. It should be a good time.
One more event coming up - tomorrow if you are skiing Amabilis, you might see Outdoors For All hosting a military ski event. They welcome a visit by other skiers!
Meany Lodge is hosting their Trek and Lunch as usual for Saturday. Check out their website where there is a link found on this page: https://www.snowrec.org/ski-clubs
There are no scheduled guided snowshoe trips this weekend by either USFS due to the government shutdown, or Lake Easton State Park.
I tweaked the snowshoe page a bit more. Last, Adventure Awaits spotlighted snowshoeing this week, check it out here:
*P2C = Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail