Well, finally, a storm! I know we are all hoping it stays cold! I had one report from Easton where they said it was snowing hard! Pass cams show plenty of white. It is forecasted to turn to rain, which is typical for this type of storm. Please be wary out there on or near any slopes. Heavy snow slides.
Ok, so, in early season most of you know the drill, wait for enough snow to close the roads, then pack and roll trails before real grooming starts. Road closures are decided (in our area) by USFS and they balance use with any late hunts that might still be open, game movements and Christmas tree hunters. Cabin Creek road is closed and LandTec is rolling and track packing away. Crystal Springs was just closed this week and same thing, rolling in places. None of the trails out of Crystal would be ready just yet. Hyak always receives more than Crystal Springs, so no grooming out of Hyak until there is enough at Crystal. Erling Stordahl has a rough base and needs about 3‘.
If / when it rains, the groomer operators typically wait for the snow to dry out before getting back out.
Salmon La Sac may get enough snow, but chances are, it won’t be groomed this weekend.
This past week, 5 porta potties were tipped over at Gold Creek. Dealing with this comes out of our budget (from the sale of Sno-Park permits – all of us). This is not what we want to pay for or even see this needless stupid stunt. Nor should sani can workers even have to deal with this. But it happened. If any of you see someone vandalizing, please report to authorities. In each Sno-Park are bulletin boards with emergency phone numbers. Now there are numbers posted to report criminal activity.
Call 911 and the call will be routed to proper agency.
Also in the I-90 corridor:
State Parks:
Crystal Springs: Report to 911 and the Park Ranger at 509-367-3153 (cell) or 509-656-2586 (office)
Kittitas County Kittcom:
Business Telephone Numbers:
(509) 925-9811 Emergency (from outside the county) (509) 925-8534 Dispatch
I will compile some non-emergency phone numbers for reporting problems this week.