It seems winter may arrive in normal Pacific Northwest fashion these next few days. Lets hope so. As usual, plan for a variety of conditions and take your time driving.
Lake Easton State Park crew finally got the P2C buffed out yesterday and today. If you are planning on a long ski, be aware that the vault toilets are locked for the winter. Call the winter rec program if you want to see these open. 360-902-8684.
There is not enough snow at Lake Easton State Park yet, but maybe after this weekend.
Hyak sled hill is still much to wet to groom. There is a spring right in the middle that we tried to get fixed a few years back without success.
Erling Stordahl suffered in all this wet drenching rain. LandTec is doing their best and I think you will find some excellent skiing in places in there. Be it without grooming or with. Its a pretty area.
This weekend Ski for Light will be up on Saturday at Erling Stordahl. If they can get in to groom, there will be side by side tracks.
I did not hear anything about the success of the race at Cabin Creek last weekend, but I suspect it was busy as usual, fun and slow with all the big fat flakes falling. The skijor clinic was successful and had a perfect day as we had grooming for the learning area and it was not crowded. In photo above, everyone was getting organized and ready to head out for a group ski.
Next weekend (Jan. 18th and 19th) is a 2 day sled dog race out of Crystal Springs, staging out of the back lot and it will be busy and noisy. Come watch the festivities.
Skijor participants.

Are these a couple of happy of snow loving gals or what?
