Last weekend the Winter Recreation Advisory Committee met for their annual meeting in Twisp. This is the group that approves the budget and advises the program manager. The program manager, Pamela is in the back on the left. She, along with her staff work diligently keeping the parking plowed and the program going and dealing with countless issues. Just so you know, the phones ring constantly as there is always something that needs tending.
As part of the meetings, there is typically a tour. This year Methow Bikes outfitted the the group with fat tire bikes to test in the new Pearrygin Lake State Park Sno-Park. At this Sno-Park a group of volunteers groom trails in and near the park for riding fat tire bikes, along with walking and snowshoeing. This particular day was a bit warm and we all learned the riding in soft snow is very limiting. A good time was had by all.
Lets see - what is going on in the I-90 corridor?? Well, you may want to steer clear of Hyak Sno-Park if you want to ski on Saturday due to Special Olympics. This event is usually well attended and staff expects the Sno-Park to be full most of the day.
On Sunday, also at Hyak, is the popular Jente Loppet sponsored by the Snoqualmie Nordic Club. This race is targeted for women and kids. You can still sign up!.
Erling Stordahl will have tracks set side by side for Ski For Light on Saturday. Ski for Light was also enjoying the trails in Mazama this past week.
Out of area is the Mt Tahoma Trails event
On the grooming front - there is always something it seems. The machine that grooms the dog sled trails is on the fritz and in the shop. I have no estimate for its return to the snow. I am bummed since I had planned on skiing the whole system this weekend. Oh well.
Also - one last tidbit, Lake Easton State Park will NOT be groomed on Saturday. It will be groomed on Friday and Sunday as scheduled. The Crystal Dog Trail will be groomed a little later than usual - by 10 AM.
OK, final tidbit for this week. Sno-Parks offer parking so you can head out on the snow using various transport methods. Here is another winter option for you:
I post this since my husband saw nearly the same track pattern as shown in Rich Landers photo over in Easton a few weeks ago.
See you out there!