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Last weekend! *

Writer's picture: CCWRCCCWRC

Here are are, another season drawing to a close. For me, this winter went really fast and I NEVER get enough skiing in. Disclaimer, my thoughts are turning towards cycling and some hiking now, but I will still be out skiing until there is no snow left and there are a few other diehards joining in. Especially at Cabin Creek.

* Good news! Kongsberger Ski Club is funding 2 more weeks of grooming at Cabin Creek! We are thankful for their efforts to get this approved.

The grooming done by Lake Easton State Park staff (P2C) will end after their morning pass on Sunday. The sled hill will be closed and decommissioned Sunday.

Our winter was characterized by not much snow (or rain) until February, then we had a big storm cycle and what is amazing - it stayed cold with next to no rain and the skiing was really really good. Until the snow came in February, it was getting a bit thin in places. We also were spared of huge rain events that wash out trails and bridges.

Snow fall on I-90 to date is 229", which is a bit less than normal. Our only really accumulation came on Feb 9th and ended Feb. 28th. Climatology has Snoqualmie at 95% of normal for March 15th.

Slowly all the seasonal signs (of which there are a lot) will be taken down and stored until next season. Funding applications for next season along with letters of support are prepared for June 1st deadline. Then there is a short breather while final bills are submitted to the program, permit sales receipts accounted for and budgets balanced. Once this season is closed out, and all the permit sales money is in for the next season, the budget is prepared for the summer funding meeting at the end of July. After the next season budget is set, then its time to work on contracts. bids etc. And last, we wait for the snow to arrive.

So many people help to keep our winter program going. We work with USFS, State Parks, private landowners, sani-can providers, many different groomer operators, snow removal contractors, law enforcement and clubs / volunteers. Thank you to all.

We are very lucky to have such a robust program in in the I-90 corridor. Some of us can remember very little grooming in the past, a fraction of the skiers, and next to no one using Gold Creek. Our grooming rivals any other nordic area and we have a great community of skiers using the trails and many young ones joining in the fun.

Our sled dog trail system is doing well and photo above was taken on P2C at the end of lengthy time on the snow for Lily learning to pull, and explorations way out on the sled dog system for Ian. Many of you recognize Tiger and Cheetah who keep Bruce sane after a nice ski up to Lost Lake.

I will keep you posted of news via Facebook and Twitter and updating the home page of this website.

See you next season!



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created 2013 by volunteers with no budget and no authority.

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WARNING – Recreating in the winter is inherently dangerous and can be deadly! There are many dangers including avalanches, tree well suffocation, hypothermia, route finding and getting stuck in the snow. Not all dangers are listed.

By accessing this page you acknowledge all dangers and assume your own personal responsibility for your decisions.

BE PREPARED before you leave home!

Conditions change quickly! It can be wet, sunny, or snowing all in the same hour.


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