CCWRC weekly news 1/21/21
Martin Luther King Monday set more population records for the pass. For all of us who are used to a busy place, but nothing like this year, may need to rethink managing our expectations. I hope we may start to see normal return after Presidents weekend - maybe. While the Sno-Parks parking is maxed out, the trails are empty once you are out of the walk zone.
Those that are working the front lines are doing their absolute best to manage traffic, get folks to purchase permits, mitigate safety issues, and keep gridlock from forming.
Here is a reminder for some and new info for others, please do not park in front of the groomed trails where the grooming machines come and go nor block in the groomer. Also, when you are visiting a Sno-Park used by snowmobilers, please please please give them room to load and unload their machines. They need about 20 ft depending on their setup.
While everywhere is busy, this might be the year to try some new areas out of the I-90 corridor. Some areas worth visiting with grooming for skating are the Lake Wenatchee and Chiwawa trail systems (also Sno-Parks), Steven’s Pass Nordic, Plain Valley Nordic, and Leavenworth Nordic all for a trail fee. For those who like the Mt Rainier area, go visit the Mount Tahoma Trails / Huts. This is a great area with grooming so the skiers can have fun and survive the downhills. Huts are closed this season of course. This area has more of a touring flavor. Parking is limited, so you may want to contact MTTA to get the scoop.
For the snowshoers out there, go east. Try the Teanaway.
Dogs – on the dog page, there is the whole scoop on where it is OK and where it is not appropriate to take dogs. Please be informed. Just because it may be “legal” does not mean it is a good idea, there are other more appropriate places for dogs. On leash of course. The Sled Dog trail system is great! Please do not take your dog to Cabin Creek north of the freeway or Erling Stordahl. Thank you.
For those of you wanting to ski with your dog, there is a clinic!
Feb. 2nd 2021 - Tuesday - skijor clinic if enough interest. You must be comfortable skiing on your cross country skis. This is not a clinic to teach you how to ski. Also, we ask that your dog is somewhat trained and manageable. See helpful commands to work on in the Links section. Email winter.recreation@gmail.com if interested. This will be at Crystal Springs Sno-Park at 10 AM until about 1 PM. Free. We will cover gear, and safety, then we will all go out for a ski. The list is not final yet, but we will have it. Handouts will be emailed in about a week. (I've been busy).
Have fun!